. Fun exercise -- y'all should crib it, too, but you have to promise to tell Catherine about it if you do. Not because she'll be pissed if you do it; she just wants to hear your damn songs, man. The trick is, though, to narrow it down, because I don't know about you, but I have a million billion songs for each of these.
Reminds you of your youth: "The Things We Do For Love," 10cc -- the first song I remember hearing over and over on WLS AM when I was ... oh, hell, seven, I think? Had to be. I remember hearing it while driving through the cemetery with my mom on our way to visit Grandma's grave.
Gives you the chills: "Stripped (live version)," Depeche Mode -- the beginning of that song, the way it builds momentum? Sweet. Find it on the "Say Anything" soundtrack.
Makes you want to bang your head: 3-way tie: "Just One Fix," Ministry (when they weren't doing that "This is Halloween" shit); "The Beautiful People," Marilyn Manson; or "Du Hast," Rammstein -- just fuckin' LOUD, yo. I defy you not to bang your head.
You wish you knew the lyrics to: "Stop," Jane's Addiction -- frankly, I wish I knew the lyrics to MANY Jane's songs, but sometimes, I just don't understand Perry all that well.
Makes you so upset you turn it off: "Superman," Five for Fighting -- I may not necessarily turn it off, but it always pains my heart; was in rotation when my dad was dying, and it makes me think of him.
Was/is 'your song' with someone else: "Possession," by Sarah McLachlan, and "Calling All Angels," (I'll edit when I remember who sings this, probably at 3 a.m. when it hits me) [UPDATE: One of the women who sings that song is Jane Sibberry. Know which one I'm talking about now?] -- these were the songs that John Ryan, formerly of Texas and now of Seattle and married, put on a tape that he recorded for me when he loved me. (Bitter much? No, but see
Makes you want to dance: "Hey Ya," Outkast -- I know, generic. But still, you can't fight the butt groove on that one. [UPDATE: Two more additions -- "Music," by Madonna and -- Hep me Jeebus -- "Toxic," by Britney]
Helps you heal after a breakup: "Seeing Things for the First Time," The Black Crowes -- After DtR and I broke up in '91, I bought "Shake Your Money Maker" and played it INCESSANTLY over that summer. I used to belt this out like I could really sing it.
Your parents made you listen to: The Beach Boys (can't remember the tape, but I think it was a greatest hits) -- late 70s/early 80s model Mercury Monarch with an 8-track, and Dad playing it on our way to one of our summer destinations when he was an insurance salesman. It was a Dad thing, but I grew to dig them.
Ignites a specific memory: "The Ledge," Third Eye Blind -- reminds me of the first summer I met my sister, driving around Elkhart in her Honda Accord garage sale-ing. You know, when we actually liked each other.
You've dedicated to someone: "Been Caught Stealing," Jane's Addiction -- to myself and the other wait staff that took advantage of the registers being down one St. Patrick's Day during my time as a waitress.
You identify with: "Just a Gigolo," David Lee Roth -- not because I'm a big ho, but because I wouldn't mind having a pair of skin-tight spandex pants with the ass cut out of them (not to mention an ass that would look GOOD in something like that, but that's something altogether different).
Oh, whatEVER.