1. I've been told that, when giving blow jobs, I can "suck the chrome off a Mack Truck."
2. I haven't decided whether that's a good thing.
3. When I was a junior in high school, this dude told me I had "the reddest blood he's ever seen."
4. It was during a blood drive, and he had a crush on me.
5. It was the most unusual compliment I've ever received, bar none.
6. I've worn glasses since I was eight.
7. They're kind of like my signature look now, as in, people don't recognize me without them.
8. That's why I like wearing my contacts.
9. I don't wear them often, though, because they bug.
10. Lots of things bug my eyes.
11. By the end of the night, it's guaranteed that I'll be looking for a napkin or Kleenex or wipey rag of some sort to get the crap out of them.
12. I'm sure it's an allergy, although I don't know to what.
13. I AM allergic to soybeans, though, or used to be when I was a kid.
14. Sodium, too. And grapes and raisins and tuna.
15. I love me some grapes, raisins and tuna, but not at the same time.
16. Of course, I've never tried them at the same time, either, so maybe I would like it.
17. I've been dyeing my hair since I was 16.
18. I really don't know what my natural color is now, but it used to be a gorgeous dark brown.
19. I do know it's about 40 percent gray now, around the sides and on the top, just like a dude's.
20. I started going gray in my early 20's.
21. I'm quite sure I'll never be so proud of my gray that I'll just let it go natural.
22. That's because I'm extremely vain about my hair.
23. Not so much other things, though.
24. For example, I'm lucky to wear make-up once or twice a month, tops.
25. I wonder if that's because I started wearing make-up when I was 12.
26. More likely, it's just because I'm damn lazy like that.
27. But I am fascinated with looking at myself in the mirror.
28. I was born in early February, making me an Aquarian.
29. Aquarians are described as absent-minded and aloof.
30. I'll cop to both of those.
31. But I have an Aries rising, which makes me self-absorbed sometimes.
32. I also have a Capricorn moon, which makes me fiercely loyal to those I love.
33. NO ONE remembers what day my birthday is. NO ONE.
34. My brother was born six years and 7 days after me.
35. If you imagine me as a gorgeous gay man, you know what my brother looks like.
36. My sister and I don't look a lot alike, though.
37. We don�t act alike, either, because she�s perpetually bitter and angry, and I�m not.Friends say my darling little niece is my spitting image, but I say she's MUCH cuter than I ever was.
38. I do have a quite a temper when provoked.
39. People have told me they don't like being on the ass-end of my ire.
40. I apparently can be particularly vicious when I'm drunk.
41. I have trouble saying the word "particularly" in normal conversation.
42. I have no trouble swearing, though. A LOT.
43. So much so that Mother is used to me dropping the f-bomb.
44. I have to watch that when I'm interviewing people.
45. I have an extremely laid-back style of interviewing.
46. That's why I never made a good customer-service wonk: Too informal, I am.
47. I find people open up to me more if I just do what I do.
48. I CAN rein it in if I have to; it's just not intuitive to me.
49. Although I'm sure it happens in some alternative universe, I don't make a lot of money being a free-lancer.
50. But I have an awful lot of free time that I wouldn't trade for the world.
51. In fact, if I can help it, I will NEVER put myself in an office environment again.
52. Too much anxiety comes with office environments for me.
53. Yeah, I'm medicated for my anxiety. Depression, too. Got a problem with that?
54. I can't relate to people who say they feel "flatlined" while take meds, because I've never felt that way.
55. I rather welcome my emotions being nicely intact, thankyouverymuch.
56. Luckily, my sex drive's not affected, either.
57. I was 15 when I lost my virginity.
58. It was in a 1980 Mustang, and not one of the cool-looking ones, either.
59. The dude was 21.
60. If I had the chance to do it all over again, I'd definitely wait a little longer before I did it.
61. Not sure I'd change the dude, though, even though when I look back on it, I'm, like, ew.
62. For all my bravado and smack-talk about sex, I'm still well under 20 partners in 18 years of sexual activity.
63. I'm kind of a serial monogamist when it comes to sex.
64. That's not to say I didn't have fun in my day.
65. The youngest dude I ever slept with was 15.
66. I was 19.
67. Uh, yeeeeeah, I was drunk.
68. Then, when I ran into the dude a few months later, I for some reason thought it would be cool to do him again.
69. I wasn't drunk that time.
70. It didn't improve.
71. I didn't move out of my parents' until I was 28.
72. It was financial reasons, mostly, but part of it was because Dad didn't really know how to handle Mother's clinical depression.
73. I was adopted when I was two-months old.
74. My biological mother found me when I was 28.
It hasn't been a good reunion � that�s why I call her �BFKAS� or �egg donor.�We had a rough start and didn't talk for several years, but we're doing great now.
76. Wouldn't change the experience for the world, however.
, even if I would change her.
77. My heritage is Polish and Croatian on my maternal side, and
unknown on the sperm donor�s side. full-blooded Macedonian on the sperm donor's side.
I don�t know who the sperm donor is, because SHE doesn�t know. Yes, I've met my sperm donor. First thing I said to bio-Mom after meeting him: "Well, I'm glad I didn't inherit his teeth," as he HAS NONE IN THE FRONT.
So far, it�s been narrowed down to three men.Two men other than the sperm donor were listed on my paperwork because bio-Mom didn't want the sperm donor to have any claim to me. Wise decision on her part.
80. Honestly, it's not that big a deal, because I had a great man for a dad that I wouldn't have traded for anything.
I suppose it would be kind of cool to know if I have other siblings, though.I DO have another sibling -- a sister, who's 11 years younger than me. She and I tried to have a relationship, but that lasted about 6 months. We don't speak now.
82. I was raised as an only child.
83. Because of that, it's kind of hard for me to wrap my head around familial relationships.
84. We weren't real touchy-feely when I was growing up.
85. I really don't like people touching me unless I know they're going to do it.
86. It gives me the heebs.
87. I have a high tolerance for pain.
88. I don't have any unusual piercings, though, nor do I have any tattoos.
89. I was reading at age 3.
90. I was in a gifted program in grade school.
91. I used to be the third tallest girl in my grade.
92. Then I stopped growing when I was 12.
93. People think I'm taller than I actually am.
94. When I'm not in tie-dyes and yoga pants, I'm actually a good dresser.
95. If I had to describe my "type," it would be a blue-collar dude with an amazing brain.
96. I don't see myself ever moving from NWI, even if I won the lottery.
97. I'd have a lot of cribs in other places, though.
98. I'd have a lot more shoes, too.
99. And purses.
100. But mostly shoes.
Oh, whatEVER.