I suppose if we're going to talk about him for a whole month, I should introduce you to him, right? Let's start off with the basics:
My dad is Lee R. Quinn, born June 30, 1934 somewhere in Chicago, to Marie and Raymond Quinn. Two sisters, Eileen (Jim) Beil and Bernice (Ron) Ireton, both still living. Scads of nieces and nephews and grand nieces and nephews. Graduated Dyer Central High School in 1952; futzed around a year or two before enlisting in the Army, 101st Airborne. Got out in 1957 and started college at Indiana University, majoring in education. Met Anna Jean Matura circa 1960; married her June 15, 1963; graduated from IU with a master's degree in English education in 1967, I believe, after doing his student teaching at East Chicago ... Roosevelt, if memory serves me right.
Started teaching at Dyer Central in Dyer, Ind., which moved and turned into Lake Central High School in St. John, Ind., where he taught for 21 years. He taught all levels of high school English, but had the most passion (and best result) with the "developmental" seniors, or what we would call "LD" today. Adopted his only daughter in September, 1970. (That'd be me, yo.) Was one of the most popular teachers to walk Lake Central's halls. (Ask anyone. They'll tell you.)
Retired from teaching in 1985 to try his hand at selling insurance, which he did part time for years. Failed at it and eventually got back into teaching freshman composition around 1992, first at Indiana College of Commerce (a court-reporting school), then at alma mater Indiana University (Northwest) and finally IVY Tech State College. Loved fishing, hunting and anything wilderness-related. Loved to read, draw and, sometimes, write. Was quiet and preferred living in his own head. Loved Tim O'Brien novels.
Died Aug. 30, 2001 after a six-month battle with aggressive non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma. He was 67.
Oh, whatEVER.