I really love the paper's photo department; remember how I was complaining about having to take a new mug for this year's fair coverage? Rather than listen to me bitch about it, they just used my old photo, which still looks like me, only thinner. Yay! That makes me happy.
So, I'm not sure what this means, but a lot of my dreams, when I remember them, have me traveling somewhere out of the country. This time? It was Russia.
Ok, so I was in high school for this one, yet I looked like I do now, and for some reason, my parents were taking a two-week trip to Russia, and I invited Mer to come along. Thing was, we had a week of school to finish, so Mer and I had to fly back each day to finish (how we were doing that from Russia, I don't know, but it's my dream). So, part of the dream takes place in a hotel room, where Mer knows this dude who lives there or is staying there or whatever, and she and I want to do him. Well, he has a master key to all the hotel rooms, so he comes in, and either I was watching them or another one of our friends was watching them or something, and I'm all freaked out -- yet strangely titillated -- that the dude has a master key. And the next thing I know, I'm walking with Mother toward this HUGE church (
again with the churches) -- not because of my perverted thoughts, though. Well, Mother says she has to use the washroom, and the washroom of this church was in a structure outside. She goes in and complains the whole time about whatever (like she's wont to do), and the next thing I know, Mer and I are back in class.
Anyway, so we're watching a filmstrip or something, and Mer wants to go hang out with this chick we used to hang out with, Barb, and doesn't want to go back to Russia for the week after school lets out. I get all hissified, and Mer says something like, "Well, you should've asked me before making these plans," or something similar, and then we're all walking in the dead of winter over the expressway, trying to catch a cab.
Saturday? There's a lot more symbolism than y'all realize.
Oh, whatEVER.