Friday, September 03, 2004
Forget what I said about Ditka
Watching the wrap-up of the RNC on Fox news (the regular channel, not cable, remember), and you know it's gotta be pretty bad when Republican former Governor Jim Thompson said he won't be voting for Alan Keyes because his views "are not representative of the Republican Party." No, see, Jim, I tend to think they ARE representative of the GOP, and y'all just don't want to admit it. Regardless, like I was telling Mac: Choosing Keyes was a good idea in theory -- the small fact that he isn't even from Illinois notwithstanding -- until he opened his damn mouth. Calling Mary Cheney a freakin' hedonist? If I thought ol' Dicky respected his daughter enough to defend her honor, I'd for one pay good money to see him take the fucker out.
Speaking of good money, the first installment of my free-lance project for one of my former employers came in today, and can I just say "Whoo!" There's some phat coin there. I'll be able to pay off some serious bills AND still get my lovely cabinet from Customs in Miller. Heh.
So yeah, I'm feeling a little better -- finally took care of my pedicure (last one of the season, I reckon, so I put on OPI's "Euro-mazing!", a lovely burnt orange) and at least got fresh litter for the boxes. [SIDENOTE: If y'all are looking for a yummy candle? Go here; the caramel apple and dreamsicle ones are to. DIE. for. Nancy the owner gave me the dreamsicle one to try out (she's a friend of one of our family's best friends, so I'm sure that had a little something to do with it), and it's excellent. I'll get the caramel apple one for winter.] No, off to do some notes for my Sunday biz centerpiece, because tomorrow? Schererville's gonna geeeeeeet it! Neener neener neeeeeeeee-ner. Heh.
Speaking of good money, the first installment of my free-lance project for one of my former employers came in today, and can I just say "Whoo!" There's some phat coin there. I'll be able to pay off some serious bills AND still get my lovely cabinet from Customs in Miller. Heh.
So yeah, I'm feeling a little better -- finally took care of my pedicure (last one of the season, I reckon, so I put on OPI's "Euro-mazing!", a lovely burnt orange) and at least got fresh litter for the boxes. [SIDENOTE: If y'all are looking for a yummy candle? Go here; the caramel apple and dreamsicle ones are to. DIE. for. Nancy the owner gave me the dreamsicle one to try out (she's a friend of one of our family's best friends, so I'm sure that had a little something to do with it), and it's excellent. I'll get the caramel apple one for winter.] No, off to do some notes for my Sunday biz centerpiece, because tomorrow? Schererville's gonna geeeeeeet it! Neener neener neeeeeeeee-ner. Heh.