Oh yeah, the part about where I have a date with the IRS to get audited.
Yup, y'all read that right -- got my notice Saturday night as
she and I barely made it into the crib before passing out, so exhausted were we from dropping a pantsload of cash in
Trixieville all afternoon. And I know I should probably be more concerned than I am, but I have an accountant, so no sense in getting my panties in a twist.
Wait, who said that?
In the meantime, the rest of the weekend was stellar; the
chickies and me did serious damage, including $83 worth of damage in the Endo-Exo Apothecary on
this and
this; another $80-something on a brown beaded halter and earrings at Arden B, and then $30-something on stuff from
Lush, including
Buffy the Butt Skin Slayer, which is the best exfoliant EVER, and the Butterball Bath Bomb
Mademoiselle Pants is so in love with. With all that exfoliatin' going on, maybe now my self-tanning efforst won't be such an exercise in futility.
So then, we caught the second
Peacemakers show at HoB, and if we thought Roger was awesome Friday night, he was ON. FIRE. Saturday night. He was so on fire, we almost turned
her into a true rock n' roll believer (But alas, she made Winston listen to show tunes on the way back to his crib.) The only thing that would've made the show better? Stools on which to plant our poor, tired asses.
Then Sunday, Snidgey took off with Newbie, EWK's dog, and according to her, she's made fast friends with Trusty and the feline sisters. Now, let's see if I can keep the crib in its current condition long enough for Snidgey to return for the 4th ...
In the meantime, I know y'all have been dying to hear about
DtR, so here goes: We met for coffee, he gave me $200 and ... it wasn't horrible. I mean, I don't forsee myself ever getting involved with him romantically (aside from the fact that he's married, just ... no, and we'll leave it at that), and that in fact was the best part about it: knowing things worked out the way they should have, and those things did NOT involve me being with him. Will we be friends? Well, I guess we'll see after we talk about the "IT."