Well, Mer got off to the airport in one piece yesterday morning at -- oh, I guess it was something like 6:30-ish a.m. when I got her there, still somewhat reeling from my booze and pill-addled nightmare earlier Saturday. I'm not going to be more specific, other than to say that:
1) No, I did NOT OD on anything, but while I'm not turning into a raging pillhead,
improper use of pharmaceuticals can be a damn good time;
2) I did something I've never done before and thought I never would: go out on a boat drunk and without a lifepreserver. After I got over the initial terror of holding the seat for dear life, it was all Kate Winslet-stylee for me (except this time, I held onto the windshield for dear life; I don't swim very well, and I bet I
really wouldn't swim well drunk); and
3) In what can be described as a kind of drunken girlie hissyfit, I left Mer in a strange setting with people she didn't really know, and for that, I'm horribly, horribly sorry.
So there you go. There were no scenes out of
The Accused going on or anything --
Deliverance, maybe, but nobody got hurt. I'll post more pictures later.