If you'll take a gander at my "About" box, you'll notice that I decided I needed stuff on which I can't waste money at the moment and put up an Amazon Wishlist. Please feel free to buy early and often, especially the bedding set. Isn't that awesome!?!?! Or, if you know where to get me some lemon-y yellow sheets to match the duvet I have now, I could be just as happy. (Not butter yellow, though, because my duvet now is citrus-y, with blues and acid greens and turquoise, so butter yellow would look retarded.)
Not sure who called who, but they talked about how Nancy was doing and some other stuff that had nothing to do with me, which is fine, but not really. Why? Because a couple things literally just popped out at me that while they're no doubt part of my issues with the whole debacle, I've never admitted them out loud, at least in any sort of tangible way to anyone except
Kaffy. They're the following:
1) BFKAS and Crazy Aunt talking could conceivably end up with the two of them patching things up, and I would somehow be kicked out of the family, which in turn makes me want to run and distance myself from the whole damn lot of them before anyone gets the chance to do anything; and
2) When Boy Wonder dropped some stuff off from
my sister for Nancy, he told Crazy Aunt that the two of them went to the movies last night. And I'm jealous and hurt that he and I don't have that relationship.
Now, that first one sounds like pure crazy talk, I'm sure, because the rest of the family has supported me the last six years, so why would they all of a sudden just stop, right!?!? Absolutely, and I'd agree 100 percent, except that BFKAS and SC weren't supposed to turn on me, and look how well
that went. The thing with my brother, on the other hand, is all about never having had siblings and wanting one, and worse, knowing that he could have a relationship with me if he wanted but apparently has chosen to not. (Background: At one point, he and I did start having a relationship, and then it stopped for reasons I can't go further with here. But suffice it to say, I ended up feeling manipulated and used.)
Ok, I'm not falling into some sort of pit of anything, if that's what it sounds like; I know that these are
my issues, and until something happens to validate the existence of these boogeymen, they're just that -- boogeymen under the bed of what is actually a pretty damn cool life. More importantly, I'm not going to turn this into a big whinefest. Part of this, if y'all must know the truth, is my fault but for a completely different reason: In my BlogExplosion profile, I kinda pimped out the fact that I'm an adoptee -- something I kinda wish I hadn't done now, because although I am one, I don't necessarily want it to be my shtick. It was either that our pimping out my exceptionally foul language, but BE frowns upon that.
Oh, whatEVER.