Tuesday, April 20, 2004
Churns MY stomach, I tells ya.
So, I go take Mother to run some errands, and then we go out to lunch, right?Well, afterwards I bring her back to Chez Broad to show her the pics from Saturday night, and then I head off to the office to get some work done. All of a sudden, she goes to the bathroom, and then comes back out and starts moaning like she has a metastatic tumor eating her insides. I ask her if she needs to get to the doctor, and she says no, she's just been constipated, but "oh! the CRAMPING. Ooooooooooooh! And I'm soaking wet! Can I just go home!?!!?"
The thing you never want to hear coming from your aging mother?
The thing you never want to hear coming from your aging mother?
I think I just pooped my pants.