Wednesday, April 21, 2004
If the diarrhea doesn’t kill her, I will.
No, no, no, I'm not going on about that again. But I swear, one of these days, I'm going to strangle the woman.
I was heading home from the meeting I covered tonight (last night, whatever), and I thought I'd call Mother back one last time to check and see if she was feeling better, plus there was tornado warnings throughout the Chicagoland area. There was no answer. Ok ... so I wait a couple minutes in case she was in the can, and I call back. Still no answer. Hmmm. Didn't like that, so I call my aunt to see if she'd either picked Mother up or if Mother called her to let her know what was going on with her stomach; they share kind of shit all the time, no pun intended. My aunt says no, she hadn't talked to Mother, but she guessed she was probably downstairs in the basement because of the storms. Well, after remembering something I read about women's heart attacks mimicking stomach aches, I wasn't buying it, so I went over to Mother's crib.
I get there and the light's on, and since I couldn't find the key to let me into her building, I started laying on the buzzer. No answer. Started laying on the buzzer again. Still no answer, so I buzzed her downstairs neighbor, who let me in. I get upstairs and bang like hell on the door, and still. no. answer. The neighbor was nice enough to first try and call the landlord for me to see if he could get over and let me in to her apartment, but then she thought to go see if Mother's back door was opened. Sure enough, it was, so I walked in, expecting to either find her in a pile in front of the can all fish-eyed and dead, or stiff as a board in her bed. She was neither.
Now, for those of you who are thinking I found her in flagrante delicto with some dude, you're sick, and it would never happen, because Mother is a perpetual virgin. (Those who know her understand.) No, she was downstairs at the Nutjob Neighbor's, laughing and drinking a Coke, is what she was doing.
I don't know why I'm worried about how she's going to invest her money, because I'm going to be dead long before, and it'll be her fault.Oh, whatEVER.
I get there and the light's on, and since I couldn't find the key to let me into her building, I started laying on the buzzer. No answer. Started laying on the buzzer again. Still no answer, so I buzzed her downstairs neighbor, who let me in. I get upstairs and bang like hell on the door, and still. no. answer. The neighbor was nice enough to first try and call the landlord for me to see if he could get over and let me in to her apartment, but then she thought to go see if Mother's back door was opened. Sure enough, it was, so I walked in, expecting to either find her in a pile in front of the can all fish-eyed and dead, or stiff as a board in her bed. She was neither.
Now, for those of you who are thinking I found her in flagrante delicto with some dude, you're sick, and it would never happen, because Mother is a perpetual virgin. (Those who know her understand.) No, she was downstairs at the Nutjob Neighbor's, laughing and drinking a Coke, is what she was doing.
I don't know why I'm worried about how she's going to invest her money, because I'm going to be dead long before, and it'll be her fault.Oh, whatEVER.
Posted by Broad •
And then, there's Mother •