So a bunch of the dudes from the USWA local plus a couple of free-lance cameraman, one of whom was a colleague up until Friday when he quit the competition (go Tasos! Like I said, you're going to love the life, man!), grabbed breakfast at a local dive and headed back, where we proceeded to drive up Dickey Road to Cline Avenue. Cline Avenue, for those not in the know, is a four-lane highway. Well, the Lake County Sheriff had his men block off the entrance ramps to Cline, and here we were, standing on a four-lane highway watching these gargantuan, majestic structures get imploded.
The whole thing? lasted four seconds.
And of COURSE Bubba's battery crapped out as the blast went off, but I got photos of the before and after. (See here.)
Way cool, but it didn't need to be at the buttcrack of dawn. That just ain't RIGHT.
I think the universe is playing a joke on you.