Added me to their blogrolls!?!? Feh! These putas hotlinked to my stylesheets, yo! That's right, I said it: Bandwidth. Stealing. Putas. PUTAS!
Now, silly putas, I know you don't understand English, but see that little green button on the right-hand side? Yeah, that's a copyright license, meaning that YOU'RE STEALING MY STUFF, not to mention the fact that you're stealing Joelle's hard work, since she's the one who created it in the first place. But that's Ok, putas, because the fix in in, and we gots something planned that'll take care of you.
[UPDATE: Joelle wasn't fucking around, y'all: Go here and here to see what she did. Tee hee.]
Today really isn’t the day to fuck with me, as you will see by what I did to their site.