Thursday, August 19, 2004
It’s all about meme
Courtesy of Zoot, who I haven't seen 'round these her parts in AGES, I tell you. AGES. Ahem.
Are you more...
01) Uptown or downtown? I can be either, but I'm more comfortable downtown.
02) Country or rock and roll? Just take those ol' records off the shelf, yo.
03) Extrovert or introvert? If you mean extrovert who likes to hole herself up in the crib each winter, that is.
04) Top or bottom? Read into that what you will.
05) Timid or brazen? Ok, so I'm not exactly the most petite little flower in the universe, but I'm a lot less likely to grab you by the balls now than I used to be.
06) Slow and drawn out or fast and furious? Depends on what we're talking about. Heh.
07) Pitcher or catcher? If I had to be either -- and I'm not, because, you know, the whole six athletic cells and all -- I'd catch, because there's a lot less running around.
08) Lefty-loosey or righty-tighty? Well, I'm righthanded, if that's what you mean ...
09) Into singin' in the rain or feelin' no pain? But not high on cocaine, though.
10) Prone to bark or meow? Two cats, man.
11) Spider-Man or Wolverine? Wolverine doesn't have to wear a gay costume.
12) Crazy genius or starving artist? Howe about "crazy starving artist?"
13) Alpha or omega? People tend to think I'm a dominant sort, so I'll go with that.
14) Good time charlie or the third little pig who built his house out of bricks? Depends on what day you catch me.
15) A cool cucumber or a hot pepper? I can't keep my gob shut long enough to be cool, man.
16) A bowler or a golfer? Heh. No one will LET me be either.
17) Chocolate or vanilla? Like them both.
18) Meat and potatoes or haute cuisine? I get sick of the same thing too easily.
19) Livin' large or laughin' easy? Life's funny sometimes.
20) Catch of the day or house specialty? I'm an acquired taste, after all.
Oh, whatEVER. 01) Uptown or downtown? I can be either, but I'm more comfortable downtown.
02) Country or rock and roll? Just take those ol' records off the shelf, yo.
03) Extrovert or introvert? If you mean extrovert who likes to hole herself up in the crib each winter, that is.
04) Top or bottom? Read into that what you will.
05) Timid or brazen? Ok, so I'm not exactly the most petite little flower in the universe, but I'm a lot less likely to grab you by the balls now than I used to be.
06) Slow and drawn out or fast and furious? Depends on what we're talking about. Heh.
07) Pitcher or catcher? If I had to be either -- and I'm not, because, you know, the whole six athletic cells and all -- I'd catch, because there's a lot less running around.
08) Lefty-loosey or righty-tighty? Well, I'm righthanded, if that's what you mean ...
09) Into singin' in the rain or feelin' no pain? But not high on cocaine, though.
10) Prone to bark or meow? Two cats, man.
11) Spider-Man or Wolverine? Wolverine doesn't have to wear a gay costume.
12) Crazy genius or starving artist? Howe about "crazy starving artist?"
13) Alpha or omega? People tend to think I'm a dominant sort, so I'll go with that.
14) Good time charlie or the third little pig who built his house out of bricks? Depends on what day you catch me.
15) A cool cucumber or a hot pepper? I can't keep my gob shut long enough to be cool, man.
16) A bowler or a golfer? Heh. No one will LET me be either.
17) Chocolate or vanilla? Like them both.
18) Meat and potatoes or haute cuisine? I get sick of the same thing too easily.
19) Livin' large or laughin' easy? Life's funny sometimes.
20) Catch of the day or house specialty? I'm an acquired taste, after all.
Posted by Broad •
Site pimps •
Okay...I know what you’re Typelogic thingy says, but I gotta go with extravert here...I mean, come on!