well, I don't know, but I do know they suck pretty hard, and not in a good way. I mean, shit.
First, I call Cingular this morning to find out whether any calls had been made from my cell after June 1, which was when the online bill thingy said. Alas, there were NONE, so unless someone has a real creative way to make nonworking numbers magically appear on caller ID (and can that be done?),
SoC was told to cover for Crackhead. And yeah, I suspected from the get-go that that was going to happen, but I guess it sunk in today that man, that's some BULLshit.
So then I tell Mother about it, and she tells me that my cousin called her last night asking all about the break-in. That particular cousin is
Timmy's mother and the sister of
Cousin the Rich One, and she hasn't spoken to me since Cousin the Rich One and I started our battle -- except, of course, when I called her at the hospital to make sure she and the little guy were Ok -- because
I was clearly in the wrong about the whole thing. Even if I was, it didn't have anything to do with
her, but you know, whatever, right? So she said to Mother how I was lucky that Crackhead didn't attack me and so on and so forth, and I was like, "Wait a minute. After I worried that she was going to lose her son, she can't call ME to find out how I am!? FUCK. HER," and I told Mother that from here on out, I don't want her talking about me to any one of them, good bad or indifferent.
So to recap, two sides of my family suck hairless worm dick (as opposed to hairy worm dick. I know). Now, allow me to regale you with the continuing saga of
We left off last week when, after 15 years of not speaking, he
e-mailed me to ask me if I would cover an event for a dude who tried to resuscitate his dying cousin. I did answer him -- I told him I was sorry about his cousin (I may despise him, but few people deserve to die in fiery auto crashes -- hah! name that tune -- and I don't recall his cousin being one of them) and that I would pass along the information to my editors, that was the best I could do. Below, the interaction:
[Yeah, Ok, see, there WERE responses here, but there aren't no more. Why? Well, see, he works for a law firm, and law firms put disclaimers on their e-mails about no copying the contents and shit. Prolly should've thought about that before, right? Anyway, the gist of what's been removed is, he's trying to convince me that he's changed, and I'm all dubious and smart-alecky. Below is what was going through my mind during the exchange.]
Before y'all tell me I'm being entirely too hard on a guy who's obviously trying to make shit right, this is what I would've said had
Snidgey not reminded me that sometimes, silence is the best way to crawl under someone's skin:
Completely overlooking the relationship things that occurred, you not only once pinned my arms in the front seat of the car and fucked me when I said "No" repeatedly, but you took the engagement ring for which I paid $900 of my own money toward off layaway and never gave me that money back (not to mention the $50 you ganked out of my account with the spare ATM card you had). Now, regardless of whether any of that can be attributed to youth and stupidity, and regardless of the fact that I've moved beyond it, what makes you think I would want anything to do with you?
that put it in perspective for y'all?
I need a drink.
Oh, whatEVER.
K, I’m not reading any more family posts until you put up a family tree so I can visualize the connections between Rich Crazy One and Crackhead Timmy or whatever.
The tie that binds,