Friday, April 02, 2004
Meme-in’ to the Oldies
Found this over at Zoot's crib, who cribbed it off Catherine. Fun exercise -- y'all should crib it, too, but you have to promise to tell Catherine about it if you do. Not because she'll be pissed if you do it; she just wants to hear your damn songs, man. The trick is, though, to narrow it down, because I don't know about you, but I have a million billion songs for each of these.
Reminds you of your youth: "The Things We Do For Love," 10cc -- the first song I remember hearing over and over on WLS AM when I was ... oh, hell, seven, I think? Had to be. I remember hearing it while driving through the cemetery with my mom on our way to visit Grandma's grave.
Gives you the chills: "Stripped (live version)," Depeche Mode -- the beginning of that song, the way it builds momentum? Sweet. Find it on the "Say Anything" soundtrack.
Makes you want to bang your head: 3-way tie: "Just One Fix," Ministry (when they weren't doing that "This is Halloween" shit); "The Beautiful People," Marilyn Manson; or "Du Hast," Rammstein -- just fuckin' LOUD, yo. I defy you not to bang your head.
You wish you knew the lyrics to: "Stop," Jane's Addiction -- frankly, I wish I knew the lyrics to MANY Jane's songs, but sometimes, I just don't understand Perry all that well.
Makes you so upset you turn it off: "Superman," Five for Fighting -- I may not necessarily turn it off, but it always pains my heart; was in rotation when my dad was dying, and it makes me think of him.
Was/is 'your song' with someone else: "Possession," by Sarah McLachlan, and "Calling All Angels," (I'll edit when I remember who sings this, probably at 3 a.m. when it hits me) [UPDATE: One of the women who sings that song is Jane Sibberry. Know which one I'm talking about now?] -- these were the songs that John Ryan, formerly of Texas and now of Seattle and married, put on a tape that he recorded for me when he loved me. (Bitter much? No, but see here.)
Makes you want to dance: "Hey Ya," Outkast -- I know, generic. But still, you can't fight the butt groove on that one. [UPDATE: Two more additions -- "Music," by Madonna and -- Hep me Jeebus -- "Toxic," by Britney]
Helps you heal after a breakup: "Seeing Things for the First Time," The Black Crowes -- After DtR and I broke up in '91, I bought "Shake Your Money Maker" and played it INCESSANTLY over that summer. I used to belt this out like I could really sing it.
Your parents made you listen to: The Beach Boys (can't remember the tape, but I think it was a greatest hits) -- late 70s/early 80s model Mercury Monarch with an 8-track, and Dad playing it on our way to one of our summer destinations when he was an insurance salesman. It was a Dad thing, but I grew to dig them.
Ignites a specific memory: "The Ledge," Third Eye Blind -- reminds me of the first summer I met my sister, driving around Elkhart in her Honda Accord garage sale-ing. You know, when we actually liked each other.
You've dedicated to someone: "Been Caught Stealing," Jane's Addiction -- to myself and the other wait staff that took advantage of the registers being down one St. Patrick's Day during my time as a waitress.
You identify with: "Just a Gigolo," David Lee Roth -- not because I'm a big ho, but because I wouldn't mind having a pair of skin-tight spandex pants with the ass cut out of them (not to mention an ass that would look GOOD in something like that, but that's something altogether different).Oh, whatEVER.
Gives you the chills: "Stripped (live version)," Depeche Mode -- the beginning of that song, the way it builds momentum? Sweet. Find it on the "Say Anything" soundtrack.
Makes you want to bang your head: 3-way tie: "Just One Fix," Ministry (when they weren't doing that "This is Halloween" shit); "The Beautiful People," Marilyn Manson; or "Du Hast," Rammstein -- just fuckin' LOUD, yo. I defy you not to bang your head.
You wish you knew the lyrics to: "Stop," Jane's Addiction -- frankly, I wish I knew the lyrics to MANY Jane's songs, but sometimes, I just don't understand Perry all that well.
Makes you so upset you turn it off: "Superman," Five for Fighting -- I may not necessarily turn it off, but it always pains my heart; was in rotation when my dad was dying, and it makes me think of him.
Was/is 'your song' with someone else: "Possession," by Sarah McLachlan, and "Calling All Angels," (I'll edit when I remember who sings this, probably at 3 a.m. when it hits me) [UPDATE: One of the women who sings that song is Jane Sibberry. Know which one I'm talking about now?] -- these were the songs that John Ryan, formerly of Texas and now of Seattle and married, put on a tape that he recorded for me when he loved me. (Bitter much? No, but see here.)
Makes you want to dance: "Hey Ya," Outkast -- I know, generic. But still, you can't fight the butt groove on that one. [UPDATE: Two more additions -- "Music," by Madonna and -- Hep me Jeebus -- "Toxic," by Britney]
Helps you heal after a breakup: "Seeing Things for the First Time," The Black Crowes -- After DtR and I broke up in '91, I bought "Shake Your Money Maker" and played it INCESSANTLY over that summer. I used to belt this out like I could really sing it.
Your parents made you listen to: The Beach Boys (can't remember the tape, but I think it was a greatest hits) -- late 70s/early 80s model Mercury Monarch with an 8-track, and Dad playing it on our way to one of our summer destinations when he was an insurance salesman. It was a Dad thing, but I grew to dig them.
Ignites a specific memory: "The Ledge," Third Eye Blind -- reminds me of the first summer I met my sister, driving around Elkhart in her Honda Accord garage sale-ing. You know, when we actually liked each other.
You've dedicated to someone: "Been Caught Stealing," Jane's Addiction -- to myself and the other wait staff that took advantage of the registers being down one St. Patrick's Day during my time as a waitress.
You identify with: "Just a Gigolo," David Lee Roth -- not because I'm a big ho, but because I wouldn't mind having a pair of skin-tight spandex pants with the ass cut out of them (not to mention an ass that would look GOOD in something like that, but that's something altogether different).Oh, whatEVER.
Posted by Broad •
Site pimps •
See? The Beach Boys. My mom listend to that too...I keep thinking of better music than the ones I chose the more I read other peoples.
Or maybe I’m just a lemming