Since everyone seems to be nostalgically waxing about the death of Kurt Cobain today, I might as well throw my 2 cents in.
Lessee, April 5, 1994? I was a waitress at Olive Garden in Merrillville, slinging meatballs to accumulate enough scratch to make to it Houston for the man I luuuurrrrved's college graduation. I vaguely remember being in the kitchen near the cashier's booth when I heard on the radio that it was confirmed.
The end.
No, it's not that I didn't love Nirvana as much as the next person; "Nevermind" was my soundtrack junior year of college, when I was M.E. for my college rag and had to put in many, many long, booze-fil ... oh, wait, CAFFEINE-filled hours of layout. It was, and is, great music. But the fact is, the guy had some big, serious pain that he couldn't overcome and a fatal addiction to an unmerciful drug on top of it. Yeah, it's unfortunate, but I guess I'm just not tapped into the emotion.
Actually, the one that disturbed me more was the death of INXS' Michael Hutchence in 1997. THAT was a talented band who's time ended too soon.
Oh, whatEVER.
I don’t remember where I was when he died, because I absolutely didn’t care. I’m not sure I understand this whole thing.
I DO understand, however, that you have a kickass gorgeous site! Wow! Do you do webdesign for a living? I want to commission you to do mine.
I can make you some really nice fridge magnets.