But in other news, do you know what my wonderful hairstylist, the Emperor Warrior Kendar, did for me yesterday? It was hair party time, and I told him that although I loved what he did last time, it'll be much better for my January look so could he put a few highlights back in for now? So what he does: He doesn't put your average, everyday highlights in. Oh no. Through about 10 foils and a color that can only be described as burnt orange, it now looks like my hair naturally faded to the color it is in front. I don't know how the fuck he does it, but it's incredible. Thank you, dahling.
P.S. Oh yeah, Chris over at Rude Cactus talked me into popping my guestblogging cherry and drop him a post, since all the cool kids were doing it. So I did. Lookit.
I didn’t have to really twist your arm too much And thanks for dropping by and playing along!