Turns out I don't have to tell you the story about how my one ex-best friend and I aren't anymore, and you owe it all to Miguelino and his magic burrito. (Well, Ok, his burrito really didn't have anything to do with it, but thanks goes out to Pauly D just the same -- he's incorporated that into our shtick ever since I told him about it.)
Anyway, tonight was Puente's going-away bash, and the one up-until-two-hours-ago-ex-friend and I were doing the whole "I'm not LOOKING at you" thing when, all of a sudden, she said "Mich ..." and I looked at her. Then she says, "Did you know (our one friend who thought the whole fight was stupid) is going to the Plain-Dealer?" And I'm like, "Holy shit! I SO did not know that!" So then it started slowly, talking to each other in the whole context of the group, and then, the bathroom trip. We went to the can, and as we were washing our hands, I said "Come here," and gave her a hug and said I missed her -- which I did, don't let me fool you -- and she said she missed me, too. And then we spent an hour or so in the parking lot catching up on shit. The end. I guess I'm still kind of shell-shocked about the whole thing, but happy nonetheless, because really? I don't like carrying that kind of negativity around, no matter what I say about being at peace with shit like that. Now, if I can just make a decision about the other friend who called me today wanting to make peace ...
But the big news? I still fit into my Tommy cropped jeans from last summer. That's one less article of clothing I have to replace!
Oh, whatEVER.