(also: “Sober up, bitches! Don’t embarrass me.")
Last night, Girlie dragged her sister and me to Duffy’s True Music Tuesdays to catch Brian Vander Ark, lead singer of the Verve Pipe. (Yeah, remember them?) Over the summer, Girlie hosted BvA in her backyard because he does house tours in the summer, and that was the first time I saw him, though I didn’t get to enjoy the full effect because I was working while he was singing, and I was never a big fan of the Verve Pipe anyway. But last night, he was on FIRE. Seriously, really, really good. So now, when Girlie hosts him again this summer, we’re going to do a much better job of pimping the gig to get more people out.
Funny moment of the night: The place was packed and we were looking for a place to sit, so Girlie goes up to this guy who was standing alone at a table and asks him if we could join him. He agrees, so we do, but it becomes clear why the guy is sitting by himself: He’s HAM. MERED. Like, speaking-in-tongues hammered, right? Anyway, so of course Girlie leaves me with the guy to use the facilities, and he starts with the small talk. He asks where we’re from, and I tell him, and his eyes get all wide.
“No way! You guys came all the way from [redacted]!??” (Feel free to imagine the slurring if it helps with the visual.)
I said yeah, [redacted] really isn’t that far from here, about a 1/2 hour, and then he said that he lives here, too. At first I didn’t understand him—you know, the whole speaking-in-tongues thing—but then I was like, “Wait, did you say you live in [redacted]?” and he’s all “YEAAAAH!” So I make him take out his driver’s license, and sure enough, he lives in [redacted], or lived since he works for a consulting firm and lives out of his suitcase these days. He just never changed his license. So Girlie gets back and I tell her what’s going on, and she’s all “What a teeny tiny world.” The guy even knows Girlie’s family’s restaurant and was all excited. You’d think with all this NWI camaraderie he’d buy us a round, but no such luck. I just hope he didn’t die on the way back home, because with all the alcohol he drank, his life was going to SUCK today.
At some point tonight, I may or may not post a picture of me with BvA, depending on a) when Girlie sends me the photo and b) if I don’t hate it when I see it in Photoshop. I didn’t hate it in the camera, so we’ll see.