Here’s something from my pal Mr. Allen that carries some poignancy in today’s times:
Remember the OJ thing where he [allegedly] murdered his ex and her friend? You know, the thing where he’d [allegedly] show up at Nicole’s house, [allegedly] threaten her, [allegedly] stalk her, and try to seem like a great guy to everyone in his inner circle?
I believe the facts of the case are he is accused of stalking Nicole, accused of stalking her friends and being just a general dick to her friends and family, and then we all know what he did after that.
There are things you should just let go, like someone making fun of some stupid shit you’ve done, or someone saying to another, unrelated party, that you’re a jerk or an ass or whatever applies.
Like, what if OJ actually followed someone into a grocery store and threaten them in front of say, oh, I don’t know, 5 confirmed witnesses? He probably just hasn’t thought out his shit very much, has he? I mean, surely he’d never have been captured on some sort of video doing what he’d probably deny ever doing should his wife somehow find out what he’s done, right? He’s not that stupid is he?
You’d think a rational, mature adult would know that’s how you’re supposed to act.
You’d think ...