Part 2: “I feel like I’m in a meth documentary.”
Remember how I was all worried about family members finding out about my little space on the innerbunny? Don’t gotta anymore, because they found me. Not sure how I feel about it; on one hand, I’m relieved, but on the other, I’m freaked out because I’m concerned that I’m going to start censoring myself, and that’s not the point of this exercise. Really, I’m hoping they’ll be like they know it’s here, but as long as I’m not talking about them (which the rule is, if someone tells me not to talk about him or her, they don’t get talked about), they’re not going to feel the need to be here. Or maybe they’ll grow to understand and maybe even enjoy my little rants against the universe. B-Dubs (aka my small brother) said he’s cool with it, and I can’t even tell you how moved I was by that. But either way, it is what it is.
And now, back to our regularly scheduled programming:
Day 2: Off to the races
I was already up when Mer rolled in about 9-ish and regaled me with the night’s events, which we were just, like, ew, and then I went to cover my first assignment while she got some shut-eye that she would desperately need because Friday night? Was BUS DEMOLITION NIGHT! Woo! Mer, of course, was horrified by the idea, but that’s because she didn’t know the greatness that is Crash Fest; they don’t have things like that in Brooklyn, after all. So, we got ourselves ready and made it out to the Speedway, where JB and the gang had already secured our section on the first turn (hence our club name, Team Turn 1). The rest of the story can be told in pictures, which can be fonded here: Lookit. Had the weather not been cold and drizzly, Mer would’ve enjoyed herself much more—she even said so herself. As it was, though, the weather was crappy and our hair boofed out to high heaven. The pain of sitting in wet was mollified, however, when we got to the cabin and participated in the afterparty (caipirihnas, anyone?). Suffice it to say, we finally staggered home about 4:30 a.m. Good times.
Oh, whatEVER.