My thanks goes out to these
two turkeys who, along with a host of others who I can't remember off the top of my head right now, let their insomnia of the last couple weeks filter from the east and west coasts and into the Midwest, because now? I've got it. Of course, my office is now clean (although that was earlier and with Greta's help), as is my bathtub, in preparation for
Mer's arrival Saturday. Still, I'd much rather be sleeping, because then, I wouldn't necessarily be thinking about how
the one guy's apparently mad at me.
If I had to guess why, I'd say that it was because of an e-mail exchange Friday in which he was letting me know he was thinking of me (in his way), but I kinda kicked him in the nuts for the effort. See, he might argue that when all's said and done, I get the "best" of him, which is to say I get the real him without the bullshit pretenses, and he's right, and it's probably the biggest reason why I love him. But sometimes it's really, really hard to accept the best from someone when you want the rest of them, too. Yes, just like O-Town, except without the "Nothing at All" part. Honestly, though, I don't know that that's what it is. All I do know is that he's not talking, and that bothers me, because on one hand, I want to hunt him down and force an answer, and I know that the only thing I can do is let him tell me when, or even if, he's ready. And in the meantime, I can't sleep.
Oh, whatEVER.