Tuesday, September 21, 2004
It’s all Tara’s fault
I hab a code again, everyone, and although Tara says she started her 3-day flavored Z-Pak long before she and I hung out Saturday, I'm still blaming her, because I told her I would. In print. (Loveyoumeanit! 
Family drama after the jump, since Kaffy, Tara and Greta got their updates live:

Family drama after the jump, since Kaffy, Tara and Greta got their updates live:
So, the Nancy update -- as in "Sid and ..." since this situation channels those crazy kids moreso than the innocent star-crossed lovers shtick: She's in juvie for at least 3 weeks, complete with anger management and a drug test, which she'll no doubt fail (pot at least, but we suspect there's much harder things caught up in her hair, not the least of which could be meth. She's not tweaked out or anything, though, so if she's doing meth, it's a recent phenomena). Then, it's off to rehab for at least 60 days, taking her to shortly before the holidays. Then early next year, she turns 18, at which point there's probably not a whole lot Crazy Aunt can do to keep her away from her loser boyfriend. However, the loser boyfriend is about to head back to the pokey himself right quick, so that may not even be an issue by time she gets out. Crazy Aunt also plans to get the family the hell out of dodge before she's out, so even though she'll never be able to stop Nancy completely, it'll probably be much harder for Nancy to get in trouble. And anyways, if my Spidey sense is right, my guess is that her loser friends won't be so interested in her life that they'll be clamoring to see her -- particularly if she straightens up, but if she moves far enough out of town, too. After all, drug buddies are like that, right?
I have to say, I'm still giving Crazy Aunt mad props, because she didn't back down. She said that Nancy was unresponsive and looked pretty pathetic, like she was ashamed of what she'd done (and she done dood it, too -- Crazy Aunt's got the lip to prove it), but again, my Spidey sense says she was probably just to numb and pissed to react. Not that there isn't some guilt swiming in her head, but I don't think she's ready to deal with it yet.
There was some levity to the day, though. As I've mentioned before, because of my relationship with BFKAS and the Crones, the joke is that everything in the world is my fault, such as war, famine and global warming. Well, I posited that everything is no longer MY fault, but that of loser boyfriend's, so when one of the younger crazies went to get a pop, he dropped it. His response? "I dropped my pop, and it's all (loser boyfriend's) fault." I thought it was pretty funny, at any rate.
Oh, whatEVER.
Oh, whatEVER.