One of my favorite blogs, for those who don't pay attention to my blogroll, is
Gawker, the gold standard for snark on all things NYC media-related (written by the deliciously wonderful
Choire, who's also on my roll). And one of the topics he was skewering yesterday was this advertising wonk chick who was at a big major network dealie and got soooooooooo shitcanned that she shit HERSELF on a couch. In front of all these major industry players. Well, one of her college acquaintances got wind of it, told some friends by e-mail, and they told some friends, and you know the rest, and it ends up on Gawker for the whole world to see. So now in retaliation, the woman and/or her friends called acquaintance's place of employ and ratted him out for using corporate e-mail for personal gossip.
To that I say, "Wow, bitter much!?!?!"
[UPDATE: There IS a God! Here's how it played out in the end, courtesy of Defamer:
People, when you do something retarded in public, or you get caught doing something retarded, why do you think you're beyond reproach!? No, seriously. The woman got drunk enough to LOSE FUNCTION OF HER BOWELS. IN PUBLIC. Did she NOT have a choice to stay relatively sober at a big industry event!?!? Could she NOT tell she was getting so drunk, she was going to lose her faculties? Even *I* of the refuses-to-get-dressed-up-for-anything-unless-I'm-going-to-look-like-an-ass-if-I-don't know that when I'm in public, there are certain ways to behave and certain levels I can imbibe before I turn into a psychopath, and I adhere to them, lest I become fodder for the gristmill and/or lose my job. I mean, Jeebus, I was at a function in the fall that the ME was at, too, and he saw me drinking a beer. The only reason I was drinking it was because at the time I ordered it, I didn't know if I was covering the event because there was another correspondent there, and the event coordinator invited me to stay for dinner. But I was so freaked out, I called my assigning editor and told her what was going on and that I wasn't covering the event all loaded. She laughed at my paranoia, but still, it's MY JOB. What the hell!?!?! And then for this woman to call the dude who sent the e-mail's employer? The two offenses don't even compare. Sure, he shouldn't have been using his company e-mail for personal use if that's the rule, but (insert scales of justice here) sending off a personal e-mail on company time, something that EVERYONE does ... shitting yourself in PUBLIC at a COMPANY FUNCTION, which I'm positive 99.9 percent of the world does NOT.
Getting the dude fired because she fucked up is bullshit and wrong.
Oh, whatEVER.