From NYP’s gossip gasbag Cindy Adams comes, in reference to the latest diaries of Anna Nicole Smith’s to be, ahem, released, this gem of moral turpitude:
Mmmmmyes, because the thieves who got their hands on the diaries and are trying to sell them to the highest bidder are somehow not disgusting for stealing them.
My crabbing here is not about whether she’s a public figure; of course she is, and therefore everyone wants to to view the trainwreck, right or wrong. My point here is, as long as they’re not inflicting harm on anyone else and within the context of them sitting alone in their private domain, every nutjob in the known universe is allowed to express their private thoughts in any manner they choose. Pen and paper, spray paint, interpretive dance ... all of it. “How could you?” What the hell kind of question IS that!??