Sunday, September 18, 2005
They’re all stars now in the freak show
So youda thunk there'd have been more goons during the first round of AI auditions, but in a sea of 10,000+, there was only one that I physically saw: a dude who showed up in a Dorothy costume with a blonde Pippi Longstocking wig, a 5:00 shadow and combat boots. He compared his look and tactic to that of William Hung, and I was like, "All right there, pal. You go," when I was really thinking, "Yeah, but see, the difference between you and William Hung is that he was at least sincere. You, on the other hand, are a fucking fruitbat." Nevertheless, if you see a dude in a Dorothy costume with a blonde Pippi Longstocking wig, a 5:00 shadow and combat boots during the initial AI shows, you'll know I met him and that he's an insincere, fucking fruitbat. Otherwise, there was a chick who channeled her inner Tina Turner -- right down to the crazy hair and a white fringed mini dress -- that everyone seemed be amused by. Here I thought the whole point of AI was to be original, at least while you could before they suck your soul out of your assholemake you into a STAR, but what do I know, right!?? Anyway, although I'm sure there was a dearth of colossally bad singers, I didn't hear 'em. Wish there was more to tell, Mac. I keep trying to publish the story, but I seem to be having trouble with my extended entry.
Wonder how that happened? Because I wasn't having trouble with it Friday. Curious.
Today was the cool stuff, however; I covered IndiaFest, which I was totally hoping I would because everyone there is super nice and would give me the world if I were allowed to take it (reporter's rules and shit). So they had me volunteer for the sari-wrapping deomnstration, right? Yeah, they ended up GIVING me the sari to keep. It's freaking GOR-jus, a light brown with gold trim and black fringe with a black petticoat. I'm SO going to find an excuse to wear it. Pictures tomorrow (if I can figure out what the hell's wrong with my MT.)
Oh, and yeah, I would be remiss in not mentioning that I hooked up and had a lovely time with him, his lovely wife and another friend at OktoberFest downtown Friday evening after I finished with the AI stuff. I also came to the realization that 1) I'm getting too old for that thing they call distance walking, and 2) I've become a total slob since I left Chicago. Going to have to work on that a bit.
Wonder how that happened? Because I wasn't having trouble with it Friday. Curious.
Today was the cool stuff, however; I covered IndiaFest, which I was totally hoping I would because everyone there is super nice and would give me the world if I were allowed to take it (reporter's rules and shit). So they had me volunteer for the sari-wrapping deomnstration, right? Yeah, they ended up GIVING me the sari to keep. It's freaking GOR-jus, a light brown with gold trim and black fringe with a black petticoat. I'm SO going to find an excuse to wear it. Pictures tomorrow (if I can figure out what the hell's wrong with my MT.)
Oh, and yeah, I would be remiss in not mentioning that I hooked up and had a lovely time with him, his lovely wife and another friend at OktoberFest downtown Friday evening after I finished with the AI stuff. I also came to the realization that 1) I'm getting too old for that thing they call distance walking, and 2) I've become a total slob since I left Chicago. Going to have to work on that a bit.