Friday, April 09, 2004
We’re the shizz-net!
A little birdie sent me an internal e-mail today from the ME about the story I broke yesterday (among other things, of course):
(shines up manicure) Yeah, I kick ass. And if you want to read our collective greatness, go over to the Post-Tribune linky and behold.
To all,
> >
> >
> > We did great work today and lots of people put their talents
> > together to make it happen....
> >
> > 4: Correspondent (Broad) blew the whistle on former Highland
> school
> > officials who spent money they shouldn't have and have to repay.
> >
> > This was a great paper to read.
(shines up manicure) Yeah, I kick ass. And if you want to read our collective greatness, go over to the Post-Tribune linky and behold.