Ok, I did have a fucked-up-but-interesting dream last night, but it wasn't particularly vivid. Upon waking up, however, I was thinking about
Ladies, has an ex-boyfriend ever called you up and, in the course of talking to you, brought up your sexual past as a way to entice you into seeing them again? It's not like I have exes flocking to my door every day, but when they do, they invariably bring up past sexual excursions, the most memorable of which came about seven years ago, when my first official high-school boyfriend looked me back up. It was after he and his wife were separated/divorced/otherwise not together because he was hitting her (of course, SHE was hitting HIM, too. Not surprisingly, that wasn't the first clue that re-getting involved with this guy was NOT AN OPTION, but I digress) and after he'd called my house at least five or six times after my folks told him I was working. Oh yeah, and after he showed up at my house one Sunday morning with his toddler daughter, leaving her IN THE CAR IN THE MIDDLE OF JANUARY. So, he picks me up for our date -- hey! I didn't find out about the hitting until we were in the car, so what was I supposed to do? -- and before we even left the driveway, he says to me, "You know, we almost lost our virginity together. Do you remember that?"
"Oh, YEAH! That's when you tried to stick your whole hand up my twat thinking that would turn me on! I remember! We were by the train tracks, and one of us was going to end up ON the tracks if you. didn't. stop. doing. that."
Now, that's not what I ended up saying to him; I think my response at the time was akin to, "Um ... eeeyeah. Yeah ..." But that's the standard answer I plan on giving to any idiot that uses that tactic again, regardless of whether he tried to stick his hand up my twat by the train tracks or not.
Feel free to pilfer that if it suits your purposes.
Oh, whatEVER.