Somewhere between Bell's Palsy and death
Monday, December 06, 2004
House won’t be a home
Looks like my any apprehension I had about getting a new crib may have been answered Saturday night: I found out that John, Jill's fiance, still has a mortgage on the house, which wouldn't be bad iff'n Miller didn't get butt-raped in the great property tax fiasco of 2004 (tm). I don't know what his taxes are, but I did hear him tell someone we were talking to that one of the reasons he and Jill are moving is because he was insulted by the taxes. (History: This year, because of a long history of lawsuits by big industry and this dude that I'm surprised hasn't been killed in a drive-by yet, the state of Indiana decided that Lake County should be assessed by an independent firm, because it was the only county not using a fair-market formula. When that happened, many homeowners' property taxes more than doubled and, in many cases in Miller, went from like $6,000 to $22,000 -- kind of like going from 0-60 in 30 seconds without a crash helmet.) So, unless his mortgage is, like, $200 a month, I can't imagine him renting it to me for anything less than $700 or $800 to cover the tax bill, and I can't afford it. Again, things could change between now and a year, but I'm not going to hold my breath. Of course, I found out all this after Jill and I decided that I would paint the kitchen apple green to stand out with the white cabinetry and appliances. Crap.

Meanwhile, the one guy made an appearance Friday night/Saturday morning, drunk and all fired up about something or other. (He was also exhausted, because he'd been up since he got off work at some ungodly hour.) One thing he talked about was going after the "insurmountable challenge," because even if it doesn't work out -- and it very rarely, if ever, does -- the one time that it does will be worth it. Mm-hmmm. Make of that what you will; I've already drawn my own conslusions. Anyway, Saturday I spent the afternoon with Jill at Customs, and then we went to a Christmas carole sing-along at the Gallery, where much wine and even some tequila (heh -- it was Patron, which is smoooooooove) was consumed. I begged off early, though, because I was tired.

Today was spent taking Mother to the mall, which didn't suck nearly as bad as it could've. She bought her Christmas present (for which I'll give her money when I get paid Thursday): a short, pink leather jacket, which I'm sure I'll have to borrow for dress-up.
Posted by Broad12:36 AM • (0) Trackbacks
It is the job of a good person to be honest. To be self-aware. To deliberately explore the fault lines of your character and try desperately to not inflict suffering in this strange, ghost-ridden world of worked and fabricated objects. Sometimes the jobs of writer and good person coincide. But more often they don’t. There are way more writers in the world than there are good people.

100 things
Info meme #1
Typelogic says I'm an INFP.
Check my weekly astrological groove here.

Give it to me, baby.

Pssst ... My birthday's Feb. 3, and I want this, and this, and this ...

The Make-Believe Oral Cancer Foundation (M-BOCF) is now accepting donations on my behalf. Won't you please help those of us who jump to hideous conclusions regarding our oral health and help me get a root canal or two!??:

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Broad said: Like I said, my feelings are complicated on the matter, so ... I’m interested, however, in Her Highness’ thoughts on… ...[go].

Caterina said: ARGH!!! Not to deny you your goddess-given right of reflections and wishing what might-have-beens, but this guy was straight up… ...[go].

Wholovesya? said: By the by, guess who was most nasty about the charitable giving?  The frigging church.  My church and my mom’s… ...[go].

Wholovesya? said: By the by, I’m not the only one I know.  I have friends who work at soup kitchens because they’re… ...[go].

Wholovesya? said: As you know, I was a voyeur to the beginning of this, and I was loving your comment!  I have… ...[go].

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Tagline by Ben F'in Mollin, talking about those times you wake up still drunk from the night before.


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