Sunday, July 25, 2004
I got yer “Wardrobe Malfunction” right here
Listening to Genesis' Duke incessantly over the past couple days has not only reminded me of how amazing an album it really is, but it's also dredged up the requisite formative memories, like the time I flashed nipple at the public pool.
I was 13 and going into eighth grade when I got my first "big girl" bathing suit. It was a white OP one piece that, for its time, was quite racy, with its criss-cross back and substantial v-neck halter, its blue-outlined-with-green chevrons pointing downward. I thought I was quite the little number. My best friend Alice and I hung out at Wicker Park Pool just about every day that summer, and as wily girls at the start of adolescence, we naturally crushed on several of the lifeguards. Mine was this Emilio Estevez lookalike while hers was ... well, I can't remember who hers was because it's not important to my story.
Anyway, it was also the summer that I'd finally grown some balls and jumped off the high-dive, which was a big deal for me because not only am I not a fan of moving heights, but I'm not a particularly good swimmer, either. But, you know, I didn't want to look like a puss, so I did it. Well, this one jump, I went down bent forward at the waist, which meant I basically belly flopped. And as I got out to talk to Al and my lover lifeguard, no one bothered to tell me that the impact of my jump had moved my big-girl halter over to the right enough that my nipple was there for all to see. It took a good 15 minutes or so for me to figure it out myself; in fact, when I looked down at said nipple? I wasn't even sure that that's what I was seeing. What I thought it was, I couldn't tell you, but it took me a minute to realize that, "Wait a minute -- that's my nipple! Holy shit!" And I promptly tucked it back in. I'm not even sure I asked Al if she saw it. I might have been too freaked out. Imagine that.
But how does this tie in with Genesis, you ask? About two years prior, Duke was released, and the song "Misunderstanding" was big in rotation. When I hear it, it reminds me of the one lifeguard I was fascinated with when it came out (not Emilio Estevez, but this Greek dude with a Mario Lopez mullet and these big, brown Greek eyes. He was a guard with Emilio, but he was there before him, too.) It's a whole free-association thing, I guess.
Oh, whatEVER.
Anyway, it was also the summer that I'd finally grown some balls and jumped off the high-dive, which was a big deal for me because not only am I not a fan of moving heights, but I'm not a particularly good swimmer, either. But, you know, I didn't want to look like a puss, so I did it. Well, this one jump, I went down bent forward at the waist, which meant I basically belly flopped. And as I got out to talk to Al and my lover lifeguard, no one bothered to tell me that the impact of my jump had moved my big-girl halter over to the right enough that my nipple was there for all to see. It took a good 15 minutes or so for me to figure it out myself; in fact, when I looked down at said nipple? I wasn't even sure that that's what I was seeing. What I thought it was, I couldn't tell you, but it took me a minute to realize that, "Wait a minute -- that's my nipple! Holy shit!" And I promptly tucked it back in. I'm not even sure I asked Al if she saw it. I might have been too freaked out. Imagine that.
But how does this tie in with Genesis, you ask? About two years prior, Duke was released, and the song "Misunderstanding" was big in rotation. When I hear it, it reminds me of the one lifeguard I was fascinated with when it came out (not Emilio Estevez, but this Greek dude with a Mario Lopez mullet and these big, brown Greek eyes. He was a guard with Emilio, but he was there before him, too.) It's a whole free-association thing, I guess.
Oh, whatEVER.